Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thursday comes directly after Wednesday


So I was watching "The Empire Strikes Back" the other night. Which, if you've read my bio on, you'll know that's one of my favorite movies of all time. And when I was a kid, I wanted nothing more than to be Darth Vader. I'd wear a cape to school, my teachers would ask me for my homework...I would just wave my hand & say "You don't need to see my homework". Ok the Jedi mind trick never worked but it was always worth a try. So watching that movie got me thinking, how stressful of an environment do you think it was working for the Empire. I mean if you reported directly to Darth Vader, you make one wrong move & the dude kills you. Other than that, I'm sure it was a good company to work for...401K, good medical/dental package, tuition reimbursement, competitive salary. Do you think that when a potential new hire came in & watched the orientation video, it mentions that if you screw something up Darth Vader will have you killed? Probably not. I'm sure if it did they'd get the hell out of there & just head down a galaxy or two & apply at one of those kiosks in the Mall, or maybe at Dollar General. I want to know about the parts they didn't show you in the movie. For instance, was there a break room on any of these ships? Like employees standing around a watercooler gabbing about The Death Star, or the latest Empire Reality show. Then in walks Darth Vader to grab a cup of coffee...drops his change...picks it up...puts it in the machine...then the paper cup doesn't come down...he kicks the machine. Of course as soon as his change hit the floor everybody bolted. Plus we all need to eat, right? Where was the cafeteria? And who did Darth Vader take lunch with every day? Or maybe he just brown bagged it, who really knows?! These were pretty big ships too, I'm sure it wasn't easy to communicate, so I'm assuming that there were interoffice memos floating around. And if you got one in your inbox which reads at the top, "From the Desk of Darth Vader...", you know you're a dead man.

These are the kind of things I think about..

Mike Mason

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if they do a background check before hiring too. If you come back clean they tell you're not what we're looking for....but if you have a whole bunch of trouble in your background..then they instantly promote you...hmmmm....
    What about highschool guidance you think they made bad/good kids take the "what you will be" test or just instantly say.....ok, you're a'll work for the Empire and're never in trouble so you'll work with the good guys.
