Friday, July 23, 2010

Plants grow because we water them

Happy Friday, dawgs.

I spotted twinkies in our vending machine last night. I did some investigative journalism and found that they have a shelf life of 25 days, so it should be interesting to see who rolls the dice first. Seriously though, I don't think I've ever seen a Twinkie anywhere outside of a grocery store. As for that cowboy, "Twinkie the Kid", get your crotch off our twinkies dude, we have to eat those!

Suggestion for vending machine: Zingers. Anyone with me? I used to think the chocolate ones were the best, but I'm all about vanilla now. Those strawberry coconut ones are just god awful, who's eating these? And whoever conjured up that idea should be stabbed (repeatedly) with a sharp a spork.

Great, now I'm hungry. Damnit.


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