Friday, July 23, 2010

Skim Milk has no fat in it

Hola! Como esta usted, y tu? Yep, seven years of Spanish right there .

I did some shopping, went to the Target. So I'm browsing in one of the aisles and I see this dude totally staring at me. He walks up to me and goes, "Hey Chris!". I was like, "Excuse me?". He repeats himself, "Hey Chris!". So I just begin to stare at him with this blank expression on my face. I finally end the suspense and simply tell him, "Dude, I'm not Chris". He seems perplexed, a few seconds go by, then he says, "Are you sure?". Hmmm, well now that you mention it stranger, I'm really not sure. What do you say we head over by the patio furniture so I can sit down for a few minutes and think about it. YES I'M SURE YOU IDIOT! Then I get a call on my cell phone from some clown looking to speak to Louis Galoonga. Ok, what is happening in my world? Apparently I have a major identity crisis on my hands here. I'm like Sandra Bullock in that movie "The Net". Doesn't anyone want to talk to Mike Mason anymore? I'm a good person, I'm fun...I like to think I eat and dress well...I obey most of the traffic laws. Those are some good qualities, right? Whatev.

Ok, I'm out.


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