Saturday, July 24, 2010

I read from left to right

Am I the only person these days who doesn't own a crock pot? Honestly, I don't see a reason to own one right now. It's possible I'm still scarred from my buddy Ryan and his crock pot tales. He's pretty responsible nowadays, but there was a time in his mid 20's when he wasn' the days when he lived alone & never went to the grocery store. He told me one time that him & his buddy bought some ground beef & some other various items & just threw it all in a crock pot. Well apparently the next day there were leftovers in the crock (is that an acceptable abbreviation for crock pot?). Want to know how they prepared the leftovers of the "mystery meal"? Cool, cause I'm going to tell you...I'm also going to use all caps. THEY LEFT THE CROCK POT ON THE COUNTER AND FEASTED ON THEIR MEAT CONCOCTION THE ENTIRE WEEK UNTIL IT WAS GONE. I remember him telling me this and I had this stupefied look on my face the entire time. Here were a few of my follow up questions:

A) Huh?
B) You did what?
C) Are you an idiot???
D) You didn't put the meat in a container & keep it in the fridge?
E) Huh?

So these two clowns probably kept two spoons in the g.d. crock pot all week & just dip in to it whenever they got hungry. What the hell kind of non-sense is that? He is "Johnny Salmonella".

Ok, who's hungry?

Mike Mason

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