Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Blog spelled backwards is golb

Yo yo! Well due to the fact that I didn't want to go an entire YEAR without posting a blog, I'm going to submit one today (actually it's been 10 months & 15 days). I don't even have a topic, I'm just going to sit here, type and see what kind of dumb things spew out...

So Tone Loc was @ Blarney Island in Antioch this past Friday night! Yes, "that" guy...'Wild Thing', 'Funky Cold Medina'...and you most certainly recognize him from his role in the 1993 movie 'Surf Ninas', which also starred comedy greats (by great I mean not so great) Rob Schneider & Leslie Nielsen. This movie is no doubt on your shelf @ home, part of the DVD collection that you're proud to show off to your family & friends. I'm assuming it sits right next to 'From Justin To Kelly', 'Big Momma's House 2', 'Jaws: The Revenge' and the Shaquille O'Neal classic, 'Kazaam'. Who ever thought it was a good idea to let Shaquille O'Neal make a movie? I mean, you've seen his interviews, you've seen his commercials, how would those ever translate in to just an OK movie?? Beleive it or not, people in the movie industry thought it was a good idea to cast him in 10 others. Yes that's correct, Shaquille O'Neal has 11 films to his credit. Who is going to see these? You?? No, you're not. And if you are, then I can't talk to you anymore.

That's about all I got for today, more stupidity tomorrow.

Mike Mason

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