What up.
So why is it that some people continually drive 55mph or less in the left lane on 94? Can I just tell you how much that irritates me, especially since I travel on 94 quite a bit. I mean, Mike Mason has places to go (you do too, right?), so get the hell out of the way. I figured it was common knowledge, or sense for that matter, to be courteous and move over. Aren't there signs that read "slower traffic keep right"? I notice this happens a lot with people with Wisconsin plates, or some other out of state plate. I was under the impression this was universal. No? Am I to believe that people out of state do the opposite? Like if I drive through Wyoming, is everyone driving super fast in the right lane and going 55mph in the left?
For example, this morning I'm cruisin' along, making stellar time, then all of a sudden I come up to some yahoo who is takin' his sweet ole time in the left lane, holding the steering wheel at 2 & 10 with the seat up so far his face is almost pressed against the glass. Sure, I could easily pass him by & then be on my merry way again...but NO, I feel I need to make an example out of him. So if this situation ever happens to you, feel free to take the following measures:
Step #1 - Tailgate. A

t this point it's a clear signal that someone is trying to get by, so the slow driver should move over to the right. If this does not work, proceed to step #2.
Step #2 - Honk. Use it, that's why it's there. If nothing happens, move to step #3.
Step #3 - Flash your brights. You're seriously still there? Wtf. Go to step #4.
Step #4 - Flash your brights again! I mean a second round of brights should at least alert this fool that there's probably someone in his rear view mirror perspiring like Robert Hays in 'Airplane' and mouthing obscenities. If this fails to work, proceed to step #5.
Step #5 - Pass the driver (and give a disgusted look as you drive by) but then turn back in the left lane & get in front of 'em. You should slow down to a speed just under what they were driving & keep at it for a little bit, see if they get annoyed (just like you've been the last few minutes). Usually the slow driver will realize that he's a complete idiot and move over to the right. IF NOT, I have prepared a step #6 for you.
Step #6 - Here I like to do what I've coined,"the thumb". You're right in front of them, they can see you, which means they're aware you're the guy they've been making hyperventilate...soooo, take your right hand, closed fist, thumb extended outward & motion them over to the next lane. Please be aware that "the thumb" will usually trigger "the finger", happens almost every time.
Hopefully these 6 steps will assist you the next time you encounter a slow driver in the left lane. If you were unsuccessful in your attempts to get them out of the way, take comfort in the fact that you may have made them aware of their problem. Most likely they'll end up discussing you later in the day, or when they get to work or wherever they're headed. This may even prompt the person listening to ask, "were you in the left lane?". Yep, it's a lesson for the kids out there...
Ok, well I just broke out in to a sweat reliving that whole experience.