Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Caffeine makes my face twitch

Trying to think of a good Montage for tonight, leaning towards Cartoon themes. Apparently I'm on my own when it comes to my thoughts on Scooby Doo. These thoughts are: dumbest cartoon, ever. I don't even get the point of this show. Plus I'm extremely annoyed by Fred, who has way too many fashion "donts" going on for just one person. Orange scarf, really? You're not part of some reality show panel on the Bravo network, take that thing off. And what's the deal with him & Daphne, are they dating? Friends w/benefits, or am I way off the mark here?! I mean Daphne is cute & all, I dig the red hair, but she needs to get a commitment from this guy...which may be difficult, because I'm not entirely convinced he likes girls. And how come Fred's white sweater always looks like it just got out of the wash. Aren't they usually creepin' around a really old building, or abandoned warehouse? How is he avoiding all this dirt & grime? Impossible, unless he's got a tide to go pen stuffed somewhere in his really tight sky blue bell bottoms. Velma, on the geek meter she's like a 9, with 8 being the highest. And again with the orange, which leads me to believe she secretly has it bad for Fred. Or maybe Velma is that girl who is all geeked out, but then ends up taking off her glasses & baggy clothes, then turns out to be hot, and no one ever knew. We know Shaggy wouldn't have noticed...he never knew what the hell was going on. Where'd they find this dirtbag anyway? If I had to guess, I'd say a dumpster. We know two things for certain about Shaggy, he smokes way too much reefer, and is always too corked out of his mind to contribute anything relevant to the investigation. What you probably don't know may surprise you, like his real name: Norville Rogers. Who does this to their child? If it's you, then take a good look at this kid, because he's probably pawning your jewelry & personal belongings while you're away at work. His bff is Scooby, poor creature does nothing but get a contact buzz all day...which probably explains why he sounds the way he does. He's eating way too many dog biscuits, btw. Go to the Petsmart & check out a box of Milkbones, he's exceeding the recommended serving size for his weight & breed. And did they ever get paid for solving these "cases"? How are they earning money? The Mystery Machine had to get back & forth somehow, who's paying for gas? I'm sure after a few pulls off the bong, Shaggy is off camera siphoning it from a random car or truck.

Compare this show to Tom and Jerry, no doubt about which one prevails. Although here's something I never quite understood: of all the years watching that show (and I still do, like I don't know what the outcome is gonna be), why did they decide to bury the hatchet & agree to become friends ? Who staged this intervention? Spike? And somewhere in this little agreement, Jerry starts wearing a red bow tie. I don't like it. I mean, why not wear a matching cumberbun too, Jer? Dude you're a mouse, not a banquet server, take the friggin' tie off. And as dumb as Tom was, he was persistent. Which is what you normally want in a house cat, right? Actually I have no idea, not a fan of them (except for Tom). What do they do? Besides nothing. They can't fetch or roll over (on cue), they can't hand you a paw unless you hang some string in front of their face, not to mention you can't take them out for walks. Oh, and if you're doing this, taking your cat (or anything that is not a dog) for a walk, you need to stop, because you look ridiculous & people are talking about you behind your back. And I don't like the fact that cats are so sneaky. One minute they're there, the next they're not. Where'd you go, and why are you being so secret about it? I don't like being creeped up on, stop it.

Talk to you soon,

1 comment:

  1. I think Daphne secretly has the hots for Shaggy... she has the matching scarf to his shirt. Plus you can tell she really wants to be a naughty girl and go smoke dope with him. And maybe Velma is like the school teacher in Varsity Blues - know what I mean?

    So how many strikes do you get for walking a rabbit or ferret on a leash??
