What up! Well it's December 19th & I was just reminded by an anonymous source (you know who you are, P.H.) that I haven't posted a new blog in a while. So with
that being said, I give you a new post. I'm also in desperate need of caffeine, so I'm having a Starbucks Christmas Blend, should do the trick. Actually the kid in me kinda wants a Capri Sun, but I know when I try & put the g.d. straw in I'll puncture the back side and get juice all over my pants, which is a crisis that needs to be averted. Hey does anyone even drink Kool-Aid anymore? I remember back in the day we used to go through that stuff like water. However my parents kept getting pissed cause each time we'd mix up a batch, that idiot Kool-Aid Man would come barreling through our walls. Ok first of all, does this guy have something against using a door? Granted he probably can't fit through one but seriously...I know he's fat & out of shape but that doesn't give him the right to come busting through the wall, right? And what's with the catch phrase, "Oh Yeah!". So what exactly are you implying Kool-Aid Man, that you're happy to be destroying our property? Sure it was amusing the first few times it happened, "Hey look kids, a giant pitcher of red Kool-Aid just tore up our house, what a character!". After repeated offenses, we knew our Dad had seen enough because he had a contractor come out to the house & assess the damage so he could give Kool-Aid Man an estimate. Dad wastes no time inviting him over, Kool-Aid Man pulls up unsuspectingly in his AMC Pacer with the muffler dragging on the cement, hands him the estimate, Kool-Aid Man just loses it, arms flailing about...ice everywhere...I'm pretty sure I've never heard a pitcher use language like that before. Long story short, they had a huge falling out (almost coming to blows) and Kool-Aid Man left, never to return. From that day forward if we wanted to mix up something to drink, we were only allowed to use "Wylers".
Mike Mason
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