Rewind back to Memorial Day weekend...
I'm watching food
network, and hating on Twitter. Not only did they suspend my account this past Friday
afternoon, it's now Monday evening, and I'm still locked out. Apparently the CEO
closed the office doors early Friday afternoon due to the holiday. I'm sure all
141 employees (Yes, I looked it up) enjoyed his gratitude. CEO: "Alright
everyone, it's Friday, and I run the company, so get the hell outta here for
the weekend!" Amidst the cheers, one bold [nerd] worker says: "But
Mr. Costolo (Yes, I looked it up) what about all those accounts we just
suspended?" Of course by the time the nerd is done asking his question, the
CEO's chair is already empty, just spinning around. Gone. Buh-bye. Although
ideally this would be a great treat for employees, start the weekend early, hit
the bars and get a head start on being stupid. Unfortunately, it sucks donkey
balls for customer service. I don't know if you've been through this shit storm
before, but basically they suspend your account without warning, then you have
to email "customer support", which prompts a stupid automated generic
response back to you, then you have to reply back to the stupid automated generic
email and say that you read and comply with all the rules and regulations. The
best part is that they don't ever reveal what you did! What is this, Nazi Germany? Here's the deal,
I've had my Twitter account now for exactly 2 months, and this is THE 3rd time
this has happened. Look, Twitter's annual sales are 19.9 million dollars (Yes,
I looked it up). Are you telling me that they can't afford to pay some pimple
faced fool an extra $12/hour to reinstate my account. What would that take,
like 5 seconds? That's comes out to 1.6 cents. I’m pretty sure I fucked up the
math, but who cares…either way Mr. Costolo, your company would survive.
Asshole. Seriously, what am I, 10 years old? We're suspending you. Ohhhhhh, ok.
What's next, taking away my t.v privileges? Listen bub, you are not the boss of

Meanwhile, I'm sitting here with no
account, forced to do things that non twitter people do, like poke people on
facebook. Have you noticed they’ve added "poke suggestions"? Is this
a necessary feature? I’m already "poking" like 3-5 people on a
regular basis, I don’t think I’m budgeted for any more than that. Imagine getting
constantly poked like that in real life, odds are you would punch that person
directly in the face. And why does my facebook timeline look different every 4
days? I think Zuckerberg wakes up at like 10am, and his first order of business
is to A) Send someone to get him a Venti skinny white chocolate mocha. And B)
Send an email out that simply says, "Change something." And while I'm
on a facebook rant, can people stop sending me the following things:
- Invites
to places I'll never go. (Because I'm busy, and honestly...I don't give a
- Requests
to your birthday calendars. (Doesn't facebook already keep track of
this? I don’t need a back-up, it’s not like I’m getting you a gift.)
- Full
length movies on Flixster. (Does this really need an explanation?)
- A
new daughter. ( Cos i already have the bestest one ever) <----This was
a hack, I was doing dishes.
- Game
invites. (Sims Social, Bingo Bash...seriously, how did you ever become my
Also, what's with all the shoe tags? There are
shoes, mostly high top Nikes, constantly in my timeline with people I know
tagged in them. This confuses me. And if it confuses me, I don't like it. And that
list of people that I "may know", are people I won't ever know. Such
as, a local towing company, which has 17 mutual friends in common with me. I seriously
have 17 friends that enjoy the local towing company so much, that they are
friends with it on facebook. What are the compelling status updates? "Dispatcher
called in sick tonight.", or "Heading out to a call." Unless
you’re the guy in the truck, or the person he's going to pick up, no one else should be
“liking” that? Or even commenting on it: "Hope it goes well, local towing
It's now 7:15am Tuesday morning, and I'm still
locked out. Are the Twitter people back at work yet? Their headquarters are in
San Francisco (Yes, I looked up). What time is it there, 5:15am? I'm sure no
one is in the office yet, except for the cleaning crew. Hmmm, maybe they can
help me.
It’s officially noon on Tuesday afternoon now,
and still no word. I'm assuming Costolo gave his people an extra floating holiday.
Thanks, dick.
Ohhhhhhh, finally at 1:24pm, the automated
response from the so-called Twitter help desk:
Your appeal has been reviewed and your
account is scheduled for unsuspension within 24 hours. You may wish to review
the Twitter Rules, located at
again, thanks for being so specific, Support (if that is your real name). Appreciate you staying on top of this situation and then getting
back to me over 4 days later. And I love
how it says within 24 hours. That’s
cool, no problem, I’ve already waited over 100, what’s another 24?! Here, allow me to translate the above in Twitter language:
Your appeal was reviewed 10 minutes after it came through. However, we all left for the weekend to go get shitfaced. Hey, don't be pissed at Support, our CEO told us to do it. What are we supposed to say, no? Oh, if we remember on Tuesday...or maybe even Wednesday (if we chose not to call in sick Tuesday), your
account should be scheduled for unsuspension within 24 hours. And when we say 24 hours, that means whenever we get around to it. You may wish to review
the Twitter Rules, located at Maybe if you did that, we wouldn't have to take away your account like a fucking 2 year old.
And the saga continues on Wednesday morning, 6:45am. Exactly 17 hours and 41 minutes after being promised a release within 24 hours from Twitter jail. I'm thinking I need to hire Jose Baez, or Jackie Chiles to represent me. What is it that takes 24 hours exactly? A couple clicks of a mouse to highlight @MikeMason830 and then click unsuspend. Sure, I can see the extreme difficulty in that. Smh.
9:24am - Going on 20 hours, now. I've got a coffee mug, and clanging it against my prison bars.
10:24am - Just hit the 21st hour. Making a list (on toilet paper) of potential candidates that could bring me a cake with a nail file in it.
11:24am - Debating on renting the 1st season of Prison Break...for pointers.
12:24pm - With just 1 hour to go, I'm regretting not asking Morgan Freeman for a rock hammer and a giant poster of Katy Perry. I could've tunneled my ass outta there by now. Fail.
1:30pm - My release time has come & gone, still on lockdown. However, a bus has arrived to transport me & a few other prisoners to another location. There's a guy here with a beard, who looks eerily similar to Harrison Ford. Keeps proclaiming his innocence, something about a guy with 1 arm. Apparently no one believes him...neither do I. Hopefully the bus ride goes smooth.
3:41pm - Bus ride did not go well. Prisoners hatched a scheme to get loose, bearded Harrison Ford guy got away, being chased by a guy with lots of wrinkles on his face. Unfortunately, it's 2+ hours past my release and still behind bars. Kinda wish I had followed that fugitive guy.
7:00pm - Gazing out my window onto the yard, the prison yard that is. Thinking about how far down it is, and maybe I could make it if I tied some sheets together. Mental note - make friends with that guy who works in laundry. The one with those tear drops tattooed under his eye. He looks friendly.
9:32pm - Over 32 hours before I was promised release from captivity. Now there's word the Warden has called for a surprise shakedown. I'm pretty sure I don't have any contraband, but I think I may accidentally pissed off the Mexican Mafia the other day, so I'm keeping 2 shanks. No wait, he's burly...3 shanks.
5:29am -Slept with one eye open last night. Attempted to make nice with the convict from laundry (Butch), but discovered he does not play well with others. Fearing for my life, I hope to be out of Twitter jail soon.
8:07am - Email alert from so-called Twitter help desk:
Your appeal has been reviewed and your
account is scheduled for unsuspension within 24 hours. You may wish to review
the Twitter Rules, located at
Well that's funny, looks EXACTLY like the one they sent me Tuesday afternoon at 1:24pm. Is it possible I am being punked? Or maybe it's Groundhog Day? If so, where are Bill Murray & Andie McDowell. Let me once again translate the above in to Twitter language:
What did you not understand about our previous message? Yes, your
appeal was reviewed right away. However, when we say within 24 hours, we don't always mean that. In fact, we wanted our generic responses to read, "whenever the hell we want", but our CEO thought that sounded too dickish. You may wish
to review
the Twitter Rules, located at Or maybe you should find something else to do with your life. Seriously, wasn't it just in the 90's where you are? Go outside.
9:56am - Being given 1 hour of rec-time. Choosing not to lift weights in the yard, don't feel safe. Wondering if this is how Jack Bauer felt when he was kidnapped by the Chinese.
10:31am - Frustration growing by the second. Almost to the point where I start throwing feces at the guards.
11:09am - Haven't shaved in almost a week; beard is so long...I think there might be a bird living in it. At this point, he would be the only one I trust. I shall name him Gary.
12:37pm - Tired of prison food, nothing but gruel. Might trade an inmate some cigarettes for a candy bar. But I don't smoke, so that's a problem.
1:24pm - Exactly 48 hours since Twitter "support" authorized my release...yet, I am still locked behind bars. Have not seen the outside world in so long, I'm sure a new iPhone has already been released.
4:48pm - Refuse to eat, bread is soggy. Craving Portillos, or anything that doesn't taste like complete shit.
8:21pm - Lights out. Bed is so uncomfortable, and smells of urine. I don't belong here.
..yet another day passes..
Friday, 3:02pm - Officially passed the week mark. Guards found some contraband hidden behind the toilet, tried to explain to that the narcotics weren't mine. However, they know I have a weakness for Luden's cough drops. Ordered to go in the hole, I for sure won't last more than a day in there. Hopefully I won't miss another generic email reply from Twitter "support".
Monday, June 11th - Still in the hole, conditions are wretched.
Thursday, June 7th, 7:14am - 3 more days have passed, must've blacked out. Still in the darkness, refuse to beg for mercy. Mercy is for the weak, learned that from a Cobra Kai sensei, his name was John Kreese.
Friday June 8th, 1:08am - FINALLY, the official release from Twitter arrives:
It looks like this issue has been resolved. If you are still experiencing this issue, please open another ticket.
Twitter Trust and Safety
Ohhh, so now the Twitter Trust and Safety people are involved. What are they, like the Supervisors? They probably share a cubicle space with Twitter Support, and having a good laugh about my misfortune.
Regardless, big shout out to "Twitter Trust and Safety" for getting me up and running exactly ONE WEEK after my initial lockdown. I'm glad I did not ask them for anything more important, like a kidney. I'd be dead by now.
my daughter is my favoritest person everrrr .
<3 <3 <3 <---yet another hack by the ginger.